Someone Saved A Life Tonight


At the time, when we are waking which seems like hell, trudging through life, our feet feeling like they are in cement and then another cement block across our shoulders… a binding around our chest, squeezing the life out of us, we are smothering. And the only time we feel good is by venting pain on to other people, hurting and insulting them, only to have them come back at us, causing us more pain and shame. Or drowning our sorrows in a bottle of booze, injected dope into our veins, to numb our brains of yesterdays, today’s and any tomorrows.

Wait! Actually it is or was a blessing!. Yes a blessing, because when we are ready to hand over our troubles to God, admitting we have no more strength to carry our own burdens, put our hearts into the hands of a loving and compassionate God and trust that he will help us to stand straight, but it don’t stop there. The healing that is about to take place in our lives, will be a lesson to teach others, to help others who are also ready to commit to a life of happiness.

Life is our University, our schooling and there is a purpose for where we are at any given time in our lives.

When we stumble upon a another person who just seems to be too darn happy and has all the wisdom we are in search of, the right answers on how to deal with what we are going through, it is because they were where we are at this exact moment.

You just may have saved a life.


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