My Spirit Guide


I was driving down the Transcanada Highway, along the Lake Huron corridor, late Friday afternoon. A couple car lengths behind me in her car was a friend, who saw what was about to happen.

My heart lept into my throat when what seemed like out of no where, a huge eagle, swooped down in front of me, then as quick as it descended, it raised it’s head to soar back to the heavens. It left me in awe. I was told a few times over the past few years that the eagle was my Spirit Guide. So to see one that close and in that manner sends me a message.

Like the eagle, some may see me as a threat. Don’t let others intimidation’s hold me back from flying like an eagle. Opportunities are coming to me that will enable me to reach new heights. Be aware they are coming and have the courage to grab them. Release myself from what others think and do what I need to for my growth and development. Choose a mate carefully but when I do, it will be for life. Because when I give my best and value myself, I can expect the best and I will attract a mate who feels the same. The Eagle is a reminder of my connection to Spirit. And that for me to soar, I need to and will stay connected to Spirit.


“I am so very thankful for my life thus far and I have learnt many lessons over the past few years, gaining knowledge, even in pain and suffering. I have learnt to look forward, not down or up, because what I need in my life, who I need to see, stands before me and the sky starts where the earth ends. I am surrounded by sky and like the eagle, I will continue to soar.” – Snowy Solomon

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