Who Is At Fault?

Not a day goes by where I don’t wonder about what this world is coming to and what it will be like for my children, grandchildren, all children. Did my parents scratch their heads when I come out of my room dressed the way I was? Was I really dressed so outrageous compared to some of today’s teens? I don’t recall any one in my teen years having so many piercings as they are today. I don’t recall living a mall life. I don’t recall having tons of money given to me by my parents, like kids receive today. I don’t recall being given lunch money daily.
I do recall a small allowance, brown bagging a lunch, babysitting to have pocket money, having chores to do on the weekend before I even thought of leaving the house.
And what about the boldness of so many teens, the lack of respect for their elders. And that, want want want attitude. Oh my lawd! I don’t think I be alive today if I talked or treated my parents, family elders the way kids do today
So lets pick apart the child/teen of today. 1st impression is with the eyes. Yes we know we can inherit our parents features, whether it be height, weights, eye colors, hair colors, nose shape and even those knobby knees or big ears. They even say now a lot of our illness are inherited. That I believe, because I see my Mother unfolding in front of me..lol.. in many ways.
But what about, personality. Can we be the cause of our children’s attitudes today? Is it our fault they have lost touch with the realities of life. Unlike our own parents did we leave the flood gates open by not setting boundaries??? Have we let them loose into a crazy world for a greater percent of 24 hours in the day instead of having more family and all the personality that comes with a family who is close, who respects each other, home and property. But most of all, respect for themselves!
Welllllll…lol…According to university studies, personality is 70% inherited and 30% environmentally influenced.
Lets think about that one.. not too long though!..lol
Whatcha think eh?

And The Sun Rises….

Good morning! Blessed to have wakened and thankful my days start the same…very quiet with low music..no words..just the music setting the tone I need to get my mind body and spirit awake.
Slowly my thoughts come into perspective..thoughts and chants regarding serenity I need in my life and thoughts for my family and friends who may be needing serenity, as well as candles burning (when in my own home) for loved ones passed over.

The first hour of my day is all about spirit..mine..yours ..Mother Earth and Father Sky.  I shall read and depending on whats happening in my world..it changes to a degree.

Today and every day…. I wish you harmony and balance..nothing but joy and serenity..because that is the kind of people I need in my life. Selfish little witch eh..lol

Do what you will and harm come to none! With support of my Pagan faith my chant and prayers are for everyone!


The Need To Be LIKED!

Humans are naturally born looking for highs in life. Who doesn’t like euphoria!? But some turn out to be full blown addictions, causing a toxic life. Facebook is one of those toxic highs. We truly are looking for highs in the wrong places. The need for the LIKES, when all the LOVE we can handle is the people we meet, live with, connect with by sound and touch daily. I watched a documentary about a famous singer with a band and he talked about the highs of needing to be LIKED by strangers and people he knew, for him to exist. And once he wasn’t getting enough, he started abusing drugs and alcohol and then once that need wasn’t enough of a high, contemplating suicide was his rock bottom. He is in a recovery program and doing well and today, can only share his experience of getting lost in the dark abyss of social networking, as well as the lifestyle of the rich and famous. Stop looking for the need of LIKES and love in all the wrong places! Moderation is the key, which keeps the line of communication open, loud and clear.


Stripping is a lot of work for any one.  I have been stripping for years, layer by layer and it is tough work, no matter how much area you have to uncover.

And no, I am not talking about stripping your clothes off, but glad I got your attention eh?..lol..

In short, I was raised a Roman Catholic, my Mother French, my father Ojibway. Two people who grew up in the same home town, the only difference was, my father was put in a residential school as a child and stripped of his being as he knew it, his language, his self confidence, his heritage, like it was all dirty laundry. I could and should write a book about life with Dad and maybe I will some day. Right now I am still learning so much about who he was, and who I am. One thing I know I am NOT, is catholic. I struggled with the confusion of what happened to my father, with praising a God, a religion that took the souls of innocent children. How can anyone praise such an act, done in the name of their God?

There was this elderly couple that use to come and get me to go to church when I was about 7 or 8 years old. And they always told me the night before, do not eat breakfast before church! You are suppose to attend church on an empty stomach. Of course I wondered why but never asked for an answer. I got up early, got bathed and dressed always in a dress for church and waited to be picked up by the elderly friends of the family. Upon entering the church there was this odour, today I believe it was probably incense and there would be an alter boy lighting candles about the alter area before service. I sat about mid way in the room on a cold wooden straight back pew. There was no falling asleep here, that’s for sure but yet I wondered how some people did fall asleep about half way through a service, usually older gents. Between my 2 elders I was huddled, he would sent his hat on his lap, she her purse on her lap.

Then I looked up at the alter, every Sunday, to the man, the statue on the cross, with painted blood dripping from the nail holes in his palms and atop his feet, blood running down his face from the thorn crown, these things done by man, who were apparently made in this God’s likeness. Why would they kill one of their own, crucify a son of a God? And each Sunday we who sat in the pews were told to ask for forgiveness for this act and that the God did forgive us for doing this to his son. Yet I felt guilty, for what we humans did. Then we are asked to drink his blood and eat his body during communion. Yes I knew it was watered down wine and pressed bread rings, but the fact still implanted in my brain, the guilt and the eating of his body and drinking of his blood. How horrific it was!!! for my little child brain. Argh. All this on an empty stomach!!

9 years ago, I started reading, more and more about religions and faith. I attended 3 different churches and boy that little confused girl was alive and well once again. So many questions, but this time, having to seek the true answers myself.

In the past 7 years, I have been stripping all these childhood religious beliefs from my thought process and began to follow a pagan path, along with Wicca teachings and the culture of my heritage, my native heritage.

There is still a long way to go and after talking to some, it is pretty much never ending. I am seeing just how magickal the world really is and beautiful with out the guilt and trauma imposed on children and adults through the catholic church.

I don’t expect anyone to walk with me in my current beliefs and hope no one is expecting me to walk with them and their beliefs or that one is wrong and one is right.

It is what it is. Its about finding inner peace with our beliefs and questioning everything. It is about pecking all the fruits and nuts off the top of a muffin, getting back to the basic then adding what ever flavour of icing you choose.

After all, it is my own soul I am feeding and my souls palette is sensitive to all tastes at this point in my life.

So mote it be!

Who Fears Who or What?

How many times as a child have we walked home after doing something we know our parents told us not to do and feared the consequences behind the front door of the house?? For me, there was a few times for sure, I can still hear my own thoughts, “Why did I do that? Man, I am in trouble now! Mom’s going to ground me and Dad going to kick my butt! Argh!” as I sweated bullets with every step. Sometimes when I got home, the punishment was not as bad as I thought and sometimes I got an butt spanking that I knew I didn’t want to mess up again. I guess we call that, having a conscience? Is that what is wrong with our young people today and with parents? The children have no fear of consequences and adults/parents have given up? And why is that? is it the parents now fearing the consequences of disciplining their own children and the children feel totally in control, yet they can’t handle the responsibility or have the stamina and mindset to set their own boundaries?

“Trust your instincts, even if they are telling you something that your heart really really does not want to consider. It can save your life.” F.C.





Shift – More Than A Keyboard Button

Funny how times goes by, with each new sun rise and sun set, unknowingly at times, there are small changes happening in our lives. If you are in a good place in your life, those slight shifts may go unnoticed or if we take for granted the good place we are in our lives, there may be a shift that we are not so happy with. The shifting universe will shake things up from time to time to get your attention, where it is lacking. Just believe it is all for the betterment of your own self and maybe we will stop asking, “why me?” when a shift does happen. Why not you? Why not me? We really need to complain less, stop spending time on the pity pot and make changes for the better on our own time, before the universe says.. “Oh, he/she needs a slight shift in their life.”
I know many of you think I am a nut bar, but that’s okay. I’m a happy sweet nut bar..lol. There was a great amount of time in my life where what other people thought of me, was a great fear of mine, where everything I did, I wondered if I was doing right and in the process of pleasing everyone else, I forgot or maybe never knew how to take care of my own needs first… then there was a shift…that shift was so hard, I was thrown against all 4 walls and no, they were not padded walls. ;), well okay, one was..lol..But today, the shifts in my life are gentle ones. I like being around people who have compassion, witty, know how to laugh at themselves, can listen and respond, be honest and most of all, not judge me harshly or at all. Hey, no one is perfect.
If you stop and really look at your life, you will see the shifts. Like things you once found intolerable, you are now tolerating. Times when you were quiet, not wanting to stir the pot, you are now, speaking aloud the truth for the good, but the greatest shift in your life is when, you realize there are situations and people in your life that do not need your attention, time, energy and focus.
Enjoy the shift.. hopefully you won’t be hitting too many walls with each shift the universe grants you.

Mid Morning Dreams (1)

“…and they stood in the pouring rain, embraced tightly in each others arms, like 2 best friends could. She wished her well with her new life as they scrunched each others jackets, neither, not wanting to be the first to let go. “I’m so sorry for what happened, it wasn’t my intent to insult you, it never was.”
“It’s okay, I understand, water under the bridge.”
They kissed eachothers cheek before looking into eachothers eyes. “Be well, be happy.”
“I will and you too be well and happy.”
That was a rainy spring morning and now she fought off the freezing winter winds. She walked with her head down and slightly turned away from old man winter, not wanting to make eye contact with even a relative of Mother Nature, afraid that if he really saw her depth through the windows of her soul, it would send a chill down his spine…..” By Snowy

Free To Believe

Judgement is alive and well in the world today. No matter what you practice, whether you are among a minority or majority, if the masses or powers that be were taught at a young age something is not right, they truly believe it is not.

It takes years to empty ones head of old school thinking/methods/brainwashing, when their heart and soul believes in something else. Who is to say what is right or wrong?

Living in small town Canada, this is right in my face, truth. Being raised Catholic, I lived in a catholic religion world. I was afraid of “God”, I was afraid of the priest, I was afraid of talking out loud within the 4 walls of the church. I was so afraid to sin! I was afraid to eat before church on Sunday because I was told, you praise “God” on an empty stomach. Did “God” like the sounds of rumbling stomachs, as His followers knelt before the priest in the church on Sunday morning? As a young girl, these are the thoughts that would float through my little brain, as I stood, knelt and sat at my pew beside my elders. I couldn’t see anything from my pew, being as short as I was, as I am, but I could hear the rumbling stomachs, as well as the off key congregation singing , The Old Wooden Cross and smell the bad morning breaths hovering over my head. Funny thing is, with regards to the wooden cross, just a couple years ago, when I posted in my social media, a picture of Jesus, resembling, Carey Price, my Habs goalie with the slogan, “God Bless Jesus Price”, one of my followers, a practising Catholic was so insulted that I did and he made comment to just how insulted he was, that another follower responded to him,

“Put down the cross, we need the wood!”

The practising Catholic was so angry and the gent on a spiritual journey wasn’t. Why?And that gent was a believer in The Creator,  on his journey of recovery, so it made me begin thinking more of this whole religion thing. Where was it leading me? \how and what roll was it playing in my life, positive, negative or at all?

What or who could I relate to, as an adult, free to pick my leader. lol And where do I want to be lead to? This is where my native culture began to play a greater part in my life and a pagan world I had began following years prior but let the teachings fall to the wayside. So I picked up where I left off.

Oh what a judgemental world we live in and how real that is when you follow a path of Wicca beliefs, paganism and the church of nature. I still have a long way to go, but what a beautiful inner peace I have gained. I don’t question my being, like I did for so long. I am perfect, just the way I am and so are you!

Believe in what you want, I won’t judge you or force upon you my beliefs, I ask for the same in return. There is the biggest challenge for us all. 😉


My 3 Fires


He adds fuel to my 3 fires…

…my spiritual fire. He strengthens my faith,  in the Creator, who brought us together, divine!

…the fires within my body. He fuels my passions. His touch, makes my soul quiver and shattered all previous heartaches.

..and the 3rd, the fires of thought. He opens the gates of wonder and ignites and feeds my enquiring mind.

..I was whole when I met him, my 3 fires smoldering.

He completes me, he fuels my 3 fires..

by Snowy*